Cherish yourself Academy

Your 30 day course to discover what YOU want in YOUR life and how to reach your goals

What is Cherish yourself Academy?

Cherish yourself Academy is:

# a 100% online course

# divided in 4 weeks

# all inclusive (video & PDF)

# and a huge number of surprises along the way

Cherish Yourself Academy is your comprehensive course to hit the PAUSE button in your life and take the time to think about you...

# what you want,

# where you are going,

# why you are following that path

# how you can choose what will speak to you.

It's not a mandatory journey, it's 100% tailored to fit with who you are and to help you to stay on track during all the course.

In fact, I'm ready to bet that if two women follow the course, none of them will end with the same roadmap...

Why? Because we all are unique and we all have different dreams to pursue or things we want to do.

You don't have to trust my words... You can try and see.

You can only win peace of mind, serenity, calm, and a crystal clear roadmap of your next 12 months.

Is Cherish yourself Academy for me?

Cherish yourself Academy is particularly designed for high performance women/ students/leaders who want to find efficient solutions to overcome:

# low self esteem,

# lack of confidence,

# fear of success or fear of failure in their personal life

Having a very successful professional life does not prevent you from dealing with fears or lacking confidence.

When you have invested a lot of time in building your financial/social security, it could be hard to take an honest look at your personal life.

You should not be ashamed... You may wake up one day and realizing that you are working all day long, your life is only full of duties/tasks or you are sharing your life only with your cute kitten/puppy.

If you can relate to that description, congratulations!! So did I... And it took me 10 years to find a proven solution to overcome that situation. Let's jump into the course to get the most of my findings.

What will I got when I join the course?

If you can name it, we have created it.. Well...sort of..

We have taken into account that we all are different which means that we have different style of learning.

That's why, when you join, you will have life time access to:

# 28 PDF files

# 28 texts/ transcriptions

# a couple of funny easy to use exercise files

# 28 surprises ;)

# a private access to Facebook group and a private website

# at least one webinar for a live Q & A session

We have done our best to keep it short, user friendly and fun...

How long does it take to complete each daily session?

We know you are busy. Your time is so valuable and you need to get things done quickly.

So, each daily dose of Cherish yourself Academy is designed for you to spend about 10 to 15 minutes MAX.

Yep, that's true ONLY 10 MINUTES A DAY.

If you want to know more than a day at a time, go for it.. You have full access to all the modules, weeks and days when you register.

If you prefer to squeeze the entire week on Sunday, fantastic... all the weeks are built around six days of "work" and a full day of "rest".

My benefits:

Joining Cherish Yourself Academy is your opportunity to:

# discover who you truly are

# define your core values

# choose your top priorities

# craft your goals for the next 12 months

# build a rock solid confidence in yourself

# learn that being selfish is a gift to stay serene

We are waiting for you... because we want you to discover who you are, cherish yourself, and reach your own potential.

Your Instructor

Ophelie B.
Ophelie B.

Passionnée d’organisation et d’événementiel, Ophélie B. est formatrice depuis 7 ans, juriste depuis 15 ans et certifiée en E Marketing/ Community Management. Elle est aussi l’auteur 2 livres et d’une dizaine de produits prêts à l’emploi.

Généreuse, Créative et Incroyablement organisée, Ophélie aide, depuis 2013, les entrepreneurs à optimiser ce qui les rend unique pour attirer, fidéliser leur clientèle idéale et surtout pour mieux communiquer avec elle. Elle s’adapte à vos besoins et à votre rythme pour vous aider à atteindre vos objectifs comme entrepreneur.

Ophélie B. voit la satisfaction de ses clients comme une priorité absolue ce qui ne l’empêche pas d’être accro au chocolat, d’écrire des pièces de théatre ou de cuisiner des bentos avant d’enfiler ses gants pour une séance de Body Combat. Largement geek , elle est fan de nouvelles technologies et son « Nez Truffier » lui permet de dénicher les meilleurs plans pour réussir.

Passionnée par la création de contenu et par son envie de vous aider à être fier de votre unicité, elle lance aujourd'hui la version française de Cherish Yourself Academy qui a déjà aidé plus de 150 entrepreneurs à développer leur confiance, planifier les 12 prochains mois et réussir ce qu'ils entreprennent.

Course Curriculum

  Introduction: Are you ready?
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 4: Trust the process & stay motivated
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Congrats! You did it!!
Available in days
days after you enroll

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.
Can i download the materials?

YES!! Basically, you can download almost every files. For the PDF, you will need Adobe Reader. Follow that link to grab it. We'll do our best to make the video downloadable too. BUT you are not allowed to share the content, alter, modify or change any word of every piece of material. In addition, you are not allowed to sell any of the material with your name on it. The material is for your personal use ONLY.

"This course is just what I needed to be more confident and to know what I wanted in my life NOW. Thanks Ophélie." Amy

"It is so... obvious... Cherish yourself Academy has saved me tons of time. I am able to focus on what matters for me. I can't wait to buy the materials" June

"Do not waste your money by trying other methods! This is all you need to do, listen, hear to discover what you are meant to be. Cherish yourself Academy is an all-inclusive course with all the possible material to begin your journey" B.

"What I really love in this course? I can go through it at my own pace... No need to wait each day to have the next step... If I'm ready to do several days in once.. I go for it. Just powerful and amazing for me when I don't have a lot of time" Sophie

"Are you kidding me? 10 minutes a day? This is all it took me to change my mindset, clear my mind, discover my passion and focus on myself. Really love it!" Cathy

Get started now!